Link Actions to another record (similar to soft credit on gifts)

It would be helpful if we had the ability to link actions from an individual record with an organization record.  We have instances where actions are created under the individual record instead of under the company they work for.  If there was a way to link these actions, it would be helpful so we can track contact with that company when an individual contact leaves.

  • Gwen Williams
  • Sep 29 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 11, 2017 00:22

    I've seen threads on this since 2013 and RE hasn't done anything yet.  I just pulled a list of donors we want to call to say thank you for their 2016 gifts.  I'm trying to exclude people that have a phone call action since a certain date.  The problem is if the action is only in one constit's record -- the other still gets pulled.  Ugh, that means that that couple receives a double thank-you call. For that reason, we started moving toward not giving a spouse a constit ID.  This also helps us to not send 2 mailings to the same household.