Email Optionality (opt out from types of emails)

We send out multiple types of emails to our constituents dealing with different areas of concentration. When a constituent "opts out" because they are not interested in the topic of the email, there is no option for them to still receive emails from topics they are interested. Instead, they are excluded from all future emails regardless of topic.

I see two options for a solution:

one would be to provide an option to the constituent to opt out of all or one type of email (like a lot of bulk email services do)

The other (which I think might be easier) would be for the RE user to set up multiple types of email in the constituent's record (i.e. general email, newsletter email, events email) where the user can the email mapping in Online Express to only send an email to those with a specific email type. That way, if they opt out from that type of email, they can still get the other emails which they may still be interested in.

What is needed for this second option to work, however, is the ability to copy an email address within a record and past it into the new email type. As of now, this can only be done by hand. on an individual basis. IT CAN"T BE DONE AS A GLOBAL CHANGE to all records. That is what I would like to see. :D

  • Guest
  • Feb 26 2021
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