Allow to move gift to another record

It would be handy to be able to move gift to another record. Sometimes it's been recorded in error. I know how to merge records only selecting "gifts" option; but this only works if there is 1 gift in constituent record. Now I need to move just one of other existing gifts.

  • Guest
  • Aug 3 2012
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Guest commented
      June 15, 2023 11:28

      I agree, gifts should be able to be moved just by changing the Constituent ID

    • Kim Roesing commented
      January 30, 2023 16:17

      For moving a gift from an Org to Individual. I was a bit nervous making an Active Individual record into an Organizational record so I used a dummy record first. Once the record was off the Organization into the Dummy Organization record, I switched the Dummy Organization to an Individual then moved it to the correct Individual record. It worked. The worst thing that could happen was I would need to retype it in, which is what we did in the past. I am assuming you could do it the other way as well.

    • Dana Burton commented
      January 27, 2023 10:08

      This should be an option in database view, not only NXT (which doesn't always work for performing this function.)

    • Genevieve Wong commented
      July 26, 2022 15:16

      I saw that in RENXT we can now move gifts from one constituent to another. However, we still can't move gifts from individuals to organization. This happens quite often in our organization.

    • Justin Barrett commented
      June 28, 2022 18:21

      From an effiency stand point this is a no brainer for everyone. Either delete than have to reenter the same exact information into another record, or just switch the name of the donor. A time saver for many I am sure!

    • Keith Wilson commented
      April 05, 2022 16:38

      We have donors who enter gifts on behalf of their organization but somehow always mess up the online form so the gift from the ORG ends up on the INDIVIDUAL record. :( What I would really like to see is the ability to move a gift from an IND record to a ORG record. Even in NXT you are only able to move a gift from ORG to ORG or IND to IND.

    • Michele Hicks commented
      February 07, 2022 19:40

      In addition to adjusting the gift record to a different donor, the ability to adjust the gift type. Payment is different from cash.

    • Guest commented
      December 15, 2021 18:53

      You can do this in NXT - it would be nice to be able to do this in database view

    • Guest commented
      October 15, 2021 15:14

      This would be a great feature. There are times when the head of the household is deceased and some of the past gifts needs to be now recorded in the living spouses name. Sometimes deceased information comes late and the gifts got coded in the deceased spouse record. Also relevant for similar name donors and many such scenarios.

    • Kate Henselmans commented
      September 06, 2021 16:06

      Yes, this would be very helpful. In particular, the capability to move a personal gift to a corporate gift.

    • Karen Diener commented
      August 31, 2021 15:52

      This has been shipped in NXT - a couple of years ago too. Not sure why the voting is open on it?

    • Debbie Wainwright commented
      August 26, 2021 12:56

      This is a much needed improvement. This error can easily happen with donors of the same name and/or Sr. vs. Jr. constituents. Why is this not currently available??

    • Guest commented
      August 26, 2021 08:02

      Other CRM databases can why not RE? this was dragging on for ages.

    • Alan Mackenzie commented
      August 26, 2021 00:13

      The fact that this has not been done by clearly shows the dev direction the managers who are directing development priorities need to be fired.

      There are no many quality of life improvements that could be made with minimal effort.

    • Ben Evans commented
      August 25, 2021 23:46

      Database view is where the most processing happens, so it would be good to have that down there. I will inform team about ability in NXT veiw because I was unaware.

    • Maryann Perrotta commented
      August 25, 2021 20:41

      I think this is a great idea, since many times it's only one gift that needs to be moved.

    • Guest commented
      August 25, 2021 20:04

      you can do this in NXT. If it is Org to Individual or vice versa. We have one record to facilitate. Make it Indiv if origin is Indiv, move the gift, then change the record to Org, and then perform a 2nd move to the destination Org record. (vice versa if the other way around).

    • Admin
      David Springer commented
      August 25, 2021 19:59

      Changing the status of this idea to Voting Open because it's been reviewed. While not currently planned, this will remain open for voting and future consideration as a change.

      As mentioned previously, RENXT now offers the ability to move gifts from one individual to another, but leaving this idea open for voting to represent the request for moving gifts within RE7/database view.

    • Ingrid Coolins commented
      August 06, 2021 19:49

      In NXT you can only do individual to individual. It would be great if you could do org record to individual record.

    • Patti Hommes commented
      February 28, 2021 20:03

      This is easily done if you have NXT webview.

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