When Exporting multiple Assigned Appeals (using Export) it should be possible to sort them in date order. For some reason, the sort order of Assigned Appeals is saved as part of a Constituent record, so they sort in a different order for every Constituent. It is not possible to tell which column in the output will contain the latest Appeal.
This is essential to be able to use Raiser's Edge for the purpose it was built. Not being able to export data is a real block! Please implement a way that we can sort and specify the data coming out of Raiser's Edge.
This would be very useful as we have just started to use Appeals in a different way which will at times need exports of Appeals in chronological order (either ascending or descending). As it stands, RE exports the first x number of Appeals as they meet date criteria, which does not guarantee the most recent Appeals being exported.
The ability to show the most recent appeal someone has received has become a huge issue for us. Many list requests ask to have that included, and without the ability to sort by date or export out the most recent received, I'm left telling people "I'm sorry, I can't get that for you", which is very frustrating for a database person.