Enable Mandatory Fields

Request to enable admin users with the ability to designate specific fields as mandatory. This functionality would streamline data entry, significantly reducing the time and resources currently dedicated to data cleanup tasks resulting from missing or inconsistent information.

Current Challenges & Impact:

  • Data Cleanup Overhead: Our data team spends 1-2 hours per week rectifying missing data (eg acquisition source on constituent records), including follow-ups with users. This process hinders productivity and delays critical reporting.

  • Inconsistency & Duplication: The absence of mandatory fields and single-selection options for tables (eg address type and email type) leads to data inconsistencies, duplicates, and inaccuracies, further complicating reporting and analysis. This also creates challenges for our integration solution.

Specific Fields:

  • Fields: Custom fields, addressee/salutation fields, valid from date field and others and other fields as determined necessary by the organisation.

  • Tables: Single-selection enforcement for fields like address and email type.


  • Improved Data Quality: Mandatory fields ensure completeness and accuracy, enabling reliable reporting and informed decision-making.

  • Increased Efficiency: Reduced data cleanup tasks free up valuable time for the data team and other users.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Clearer data entry expectations minimise errors and user frustration.

  • Karyn Pierce
  • Sep 5 2024
  • Attach files