Option to make a addressee/salutation combo INACTIVE

Cleaning up addressee/salutations can be a huge mess. Some of our combos are just plain wrong, but we can't delete them because they exist on some records. In years past, this happened because all of the fields were not populated and it looked right at the time. My users are always asking me why I can't just make the bad combos inactive so they don't clutter the drop down. I always say, "That's such a great idea! Why didn't I think of that? Wait, I did, but I can't because it doesn't work like the other tables."

Long-term goal, clean-up. Short-term goal, easier for users.

  • Guest
  • Oct 12 2012
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:18

    Cleaning this particular problem up is VERY difficult. You have to find EVERY instance of the addressee combo. EVERY. INSTANCE. Individuals, spouses, contacts, other relationships. And you have to change it - globally if you can, but it often comes down to one by one. Even worse is when the combo is only on ONE to begin with.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:18

    Something like the table cleanup wizard for Addressee and Salutation would be a complete godsend.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:18

    I have the same problem. There are addressees that I need to clean up and then eventually delete. Whilst I am doing that, I don't want users to be selecting those styles and adding more clean up work to do! The ability to make them inactive so that users can no longer select them would make this job so much easier.

  • Nicole Barry commented
    March 17, 2016 23:18

    Also if we can eliminate the connection of the Add/Sal to the Membership Name on Card that would be helpful as majority of our 'offenders' in the Add/Sal table remain living on dropped Membership records.

    The only solution provided to me today, was to recreate the membership card to update the Add/Sal to then be able to delete the Add/Sal -- an extremely vicious cycle!!!