Store old Constituent ID when merging records.

When a constituent record is merged you loose the old Constituent ID.

Most organizations I know who use any type of barcoding technology (gift processing, volunteer attendance) typically link these barcodes to the Constituent ID. So if a mailing is generated and records are merged, there is a chance that the barcode will no longer work.

I would like to have RE store the old Constituent ID so you can type in either the old id or the new id and have the constituent record open.

  • JP Provencal
  • Jul 6 2012
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Admin
      David Springer commented
      September 01, 2021 12:55

      Changing the status of this idea to Voting Open because it's been reviewed. While not currently planned, this will remain open for voting and future consideration as a change.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:00

      We store this info in as an Alias Type of Former/Merged ID. It would be most helpful to have the ID search also search the Alias values just as the Last Name search does.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:00

      We too use the alias field to track merged id's. if that id is then entered in the last name field, it finds the person, but I agree with Debra, it would be nice to have the search check the alias field when the id is entered in the id field (preventing you to type it twice, once in id and once in last name).

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:00

      I would also store the import ID along with the Constituent ID. It would be nice if the Const ID field worked like the letter field in gifts - current ID shown, previous IDs (both Const and Import on one line) accessible by pressing the "ID" button, and all searchable from within constituent search and query.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:00

      If records are merged and the other record removed the tie with the original gift aid deceleration is lost. Any gift aid declaration filed under the old number will have lost their audit trail. Thus making us vulnerable and in danger of failing a gift aid audit.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:00

      Lydia - I would file this gift aid declaration being lost as a separate issue if someone has not already. This ID field correction would only be a band-aid to that problem.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:00

      This is huge to just makes it easier to find people and to make sure that you have the correct person.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:00

      I agree with Debra and Denise that the Alias would be a great place to store the old ID.

    • +13