Retain original phone/email "date last changed" when merging

I often do one-off record merges, and I've noticed that the phone numbers/email addresses from the record being merged are re-date-stamped with the merge date in the final record. 



Pinky Tuscadero 1 has their five most recent gifts, current address and the phone and email data is dated 6/1/2017.  Pinky Tuscadero 2 has one small gift from 2016 with a different email address and phone number (dated 12/2/2016). When I merge PT2 into PT1, the phone/email info from PT2 gets a date stamp that reflects the merge date. So, if I did it today, 9/24/2019, it would look like old data is the most recent data. Which is incorrect and potentially confusing.


Of course, I always delete duplicates do other clean-up when I merge, but it's not practical to manage those dates manually.


Thanks for considering this change.

  • Guest
  • Sep 24 2019
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