Inactive Phone is not functioning in Query in 7.95, which means Inactive Phones are export when I don't want them to

This is ridiculous!  In my opinion you do not have Raiser's Edge functioning properly with inactive phones.  Even though the query is setup properly (verified with Blackbaud Support - case #13264516), inactive phones are exporting and showing up in the query, when I don't want them to.  We pay $24,000 a year for Raiser's Edge, it should function properly.  If it is not fixed in the next upgrade I will become very vocal on the Discussion boards.  That is not a threat, that is a customer expecting their product to work that they pay $24,000 a year for.  I am seeing more and more of this from Blackbaud lately, I don't like it.  This is not the Blackbaud that I came to know back in 2007.  This is just giving my manager/VP more ammunition to leave Blackbaud for a software product that that fully function.  It is pathetic that this is the only avenue I have to get a product that is fully functions.  In 2007 that was a given that you produced a product that was fully functional.  

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  • Nov 11 2016
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