Add solicit code to the available fields in donor acknowledgement fields

Related to Make all fields accessible in Mail functions which is partially complete and has 1290 votes. We want to exclude a return gift envelope from acknowledgments with a "Do Not Solicit" Solicit code when sending gift acknowledgment letters. It is not a field choice and we don't want to create an attribute for an existing solicit code. Solicit codes are visible on bio 1 whereas attributes are not.

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  • Mar 4 2016
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:37

      Perhaps you could run 2 sets of envelopes -- one for those that you will include an envelope by using filters to exclude the solicit code that you don't want. and another just for the ones that you won't include an envelope for. You could probably set this up in query.

      But my two cents, many donor don't like getting a reply envelope, which serves as a soft ask, in their thank yous. There is a lot of discussion about how your acknowledgement should simply be a thank you and that the reply envelope take the sincerity out of it.