Expand Solicit code security rights to view but not edit/delete/add

With the release of the consent module on RE it was advised that you you can increase the security around solicit codes as part of this update to ensure solicit codes are driven by the consent module, in line with GDPR requirements.

However, removing rights to the solicit code section stops users being able to see all solicit codes used if a large number are applied to the record (the solicit codes are not all visible in the solicit code box due to it's small size). They cannot hover over the field to see a list of codes used or click the solicit code field name to see solicit codes selected without edit rights, which defeats the point of being able to increase security around solicit codes.

I propose that you allow people without edit rights to click the solicit code field name and be able to see all solicit codes selected but not be able to select the add to/remove buttons. This would still be compliant but allow users to view all solicit codes applied against a record.

  • Lauren Coombes
  • Mar 13 2019
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    • Rose Kelly commented
      October 30, 2019 19:08

      Please consider a re-design of this table. The solicit codes are very important to organizations and it seems to be treated with little importance - look at the small box!  Please consider moving the Solicit codes on a separate tab and linking each solicit code to the Consent entry as they are added.  It is not clear at the moment which solicit code triggered the change - you have to run a query (and most users wouldn't know how to do that). Thank you.