Consent Records & NXT

Currently there is no way in NXT to view the Classic Consent Records.

Users in NXT views can add/remove/modify Communications Preferences (Solicit Codes in Classic) at will regardless of their security configuration in Classic (Miscellaneous Constituent Options > Solicit Codes = UNCHECKED)

Adding/Removing Solicit Codes in Classic via Consent Records does not add/remove/modify the Start Date or End Dates on the associated Communication Preferences in NXT.


If we are going to effectively move forward with the use of Consent Records some additional updates/changes need to be made.

  1. NXT Users need to be able to See and Manage Consent Records - not just Communication Preferences.
  2. NXT needs to respect the security configurations in Classic in relation to Consent/Solicit Codes.
  • JP Provencal
  • Mar 5 2018
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  • Jarod Bonino commented
    March 05, 2018 20:50

    Hey there everyone! A couple updates related to this:

    1. We're working on Consent Management for NXT web view currently and expect to release support in coming weeks. This will include respecting the new security options in database view for Solicit Codes.

    2. We will be adding Consent Management to org records in both database view and web view.

    I'm very excited to hear this suggestion though because it means people are already looking to adopt the new features! The good news is we already have the changes suggested in this idea on deck. Keep the suggestions coming!


    Jarod Bonino

    Product Manager, Raiser's Edge NXT

  • JP Provencal commented
    March 05, 2018 17:28

    And Additionally, if Consent Records are not going to be made available on Organizational Constituents - then the the business rules/security configurations need to be modified to allow users to add/remove/manage Solicit Codes on Org records, while restricting them to using Consent Records on Ind records.

  • +1