"All Caps" Option in International Configuration

It would be very helpful for data entry purposes if one of the International Configuration options was to make particular fields and/or lines display in ALL CAPS in the Address Block since certain countries request the Country or sometimes even the Suburb or City be in ALL CAPS.

While the workaround is obviously to enter those pieces in ALL CAPS, you can understand why the compliance rate is low/error rate is high on that given the many different international address configurations.  Being able to change that through Configuration rather than that field in every record if those formatting rules do change at some point would also be helpful.  Lastly, and more out of a "visually pleasing" / consistency thing, having that formatting come from Configuration and show in the Address Block would be nice so as not to have some records where the COUNTRY and other seemingly random fields like SUBURB are in ALL CAPS and others aren't (i.e., you would enter and it would show up on the Bio 1/Org 1 tabs as "Australia" but format/display in the Address Block in the Addresses Tab and in Address Block exports/mailings as AUSTRALIA).

  • Guest
  • Mar 12 2019
  • Attach files