International / Foreign Address Block Exporting

Currently, there is no way to export International or Foreign addresses in a way that is useable to send to a mailhouse.

Using Export will result in addresses in field order with no indication of line breaks or commas or actual order, and using Quick Letters in Mail with the AddressBlock field outputs the address as one line, in correct order this time but still with no indication of line breaks.  Even my best option -- using Labels in Mail -- is incredibly limited because you can't add new Label templates if the one you need doesn't exist, not to mention it's not the mailhouse's preferred method of getting the information.

We need the ability to export (ideally in both Mail and Export, but at least Mail) international addresses as Address Block LINES, where each LINE of the address block is exported as a separate column.

For example, these two addresses from different countries show in the Address Block field on the Constituent Addresses tab (based on our International Formatting configuration) as:


65 rue de Terrebonne (Address Line)
Montreal (City)
QC H4B 1A8 (Zip)
Canada (Country)



15 Angus Smith Dr. (Address Line)
DOUGLAS QLD 4814 (Suburb City Zip)
Australia (Country)


I need to be able to export the Address Block LINES:


Column 1/Address Block Line 1:

Row 1: 15 rue de Terrebonne

Row 2: 15 Angus Smith Dr.


Column 2/Address Block Line 2:

Row 1: Montreal

Row 2: DOUGLAS QLD 4814


Column 3/Address Block Line 3:

Row 1: QC H4B 1A8

Row 2: Australia


Column 4/Address Block Line 4

Row 1: Canada

Row 2: 


We are very fortunate that we do very little international mailing, as Raiser's Edge is simply not functional if we did.  As it is, we'll probably decide to seriously cut back on our mail to International Addresses simply due to RE's lack of functionality, which is a poor reason to make a decision like that.

  • Guest
  • Mar 12 2019
  • Attach files