Batch EFT transactions instead of doing one at a time

We enter gifts as batches and we receive credit card info. Sometimes the EFT works and other times it doesn't.  We were just told we have to do 1 batch per 1 EFT.  Please allow us to do batch EFT's Thank you

  • Guest
  • Dec 13 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 13, 2017 18:34

    We can process EFT batches in RE but it often fails. It's a slow process

  • Guest commented
    December 13, 2017 18:33

    Libby from Blackbaud Support here. Is there a chance you are bulk processing your gifts? If so, this link may provide assistance for the change problem in Online Express
    Please let me know if this doesn't solve the issue so that we can find a better solution. Please let me know if you have further questions about this case by replying to this email or updating this case via Case Central (<>).  I will keep this case open through the end of the day Wednesday  for follow up.  If I have not heard back from you by then, I will assume that the issue is resolved and will close this case (though we can always reopen it at your convenience). 

    Thank you for allowing me to assist you, and have a great day!

    Libby Sherman
    Customer Support Associate

    Blackbaud, Inc.

  • Jarod Bonino commented
    December 13, 2017 16:26

    Hey there. I'm not sure I understand the request. I'm not aware of any issues in RE that would require you to process credit cards one gift at a time. You should be able to process an entire batch at once. Who did you hear from that mentioned otherwise?