Create a Batch type that allows you to download online recurring gifts into the same monthly batch

When an online recurring gift is received and placed in a batch, that batch must be rerun every month to create a new EFT for that gift. As more gifts come in, more batches to rerun. It would be nice to have one batch designated for online recurring gifts. As it is now, you cannot download a gift into an existing recurring batch that has been committed at least once. You can manually add additional gifts into an existing recurring batch, but you have to have the card information, which is not available. I realize there is an option to Automatically Generate payments due on a specific date, but with the varying schedules we have for different batches, I am not willing to try that and charge a card too early. I have had several email conversations with support and their suggestion was to take it here.

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  • Jun 17 2020
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