It would be nice to be able to set up recurring credit cards in advance of when the funds are pulled. For example, We have a recurring batch on the 15th but the 15th is a Saturday and then I will be gone until the 20th. Now my gifts on the 15th cant be processed until the 20th. It'd be nice to be able to create the batch and schedule the EFT before I left.
The recurring gifts can be processed any time before the actual date as long as the recurring batch gift date is on the batch. Example - I have recurring gifts dated on the 20th of each month. I have been able to pull them on the day or two previous as long as the recurring date is on the batch.
Definitely agree with all comments on the board!
I agree!! Just posted anew idea to bring it back to the table. With NXT moving us away from being tied to our desks this should definitely be part of the road map.
Should totally be hands off & automatic after the first set-up of the recurring gift/pledge.
This is a feature in eTapestry. All recurring gifts and pledges are pulled automatically.
I completely agree!
I agree and am voting for this but you really need to cross train others to do this in your absence. What if you became ill and someone else HAD to do this?
I agree!!