Phone and Email Sharing from Business Relationship to Bio 1

I enter business contacts as their own constituent record so that we can track what events they are invited to and if they attend.  When making the business address as their primary address (which shows on the Bio 1 tab) the phone and email information no longer transfers since we updated our software.  I am asking that Blackbaud allows companies to allow for a business rule so that this information is shared when making the business address the primary.  This would eliminate the need to enter these numbers twice and having to change it in two separate locations when they need updating.  As it is now, it takes considerably more time to enter new records than it used to and increases the risk for error.

  • Barb Abday
  • May 4 2017
  • Attach files
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    • Sophie Chisholm commented
      April 25, 2018 09:30

      When adding a business relationship - if there was a tick box next to the phones/emails to 'add to Bio1' that would be really helpful!

    • Guest commented
      May 30, 2017 15:41

      If this was an explicit selection -- sometimes you might want a business address to NOT share across to an individual.  But if it were a selectable option and if you were able to find the relationships where you've selected this option - then Yes.