Make individuals' business addresses part of the addresses, not just relationships, and don't separate the business name

When an individual has a business address, the name of that business is separated from the address of that business. This causes all kinds of problems:

1. In a mailing list export, one has to create a separate column for organization name and one for mailing address type. Because this organization name is not connected to the preferred address, users then have to go through and delete the organization name where it appears next to a Home type preferred address.

2. The organization name does not appear on the Bio1 tab if the preferred address is the business address. This causes regular confusion and returned mail when the organization name isn't included in the address.

3. When we update an address, we like to keep the previous address in the address record. This is not possible when business addresses appear as a business relationship and not an address.

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  • May 8 2018
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