Need to be able to add a specific addressee for relationships at organizations

We need to be able to assign a specific addressee/salutation to relationships/contacts.

True, I can set up a "business salutation" but it's not assigned to that relationship. So if I'm doing a large group of letters, especially for acknowledgement, RE will see that the gift is from XYZ Co. and even though Mr. John Smith is an individual constituent we should have an addressee/salutation at the business address that does not include Mrs. Mary Smith.

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  • Jul 19 2012
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    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:54

      Use Business Addressee or Primary Addressee is a good work around, but not always the best option. It's only either or. There is no tier - as in use directors addressee, use business or then use primary.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:54

      I don't understand. If you have a constituent who is linked on the relationship tab to an organization, and you've created a specific addressee and salutation table (in our case "Contact Addressee and Contact Salutation) and populated the fields in the constituent's record - then all you have to do is to tell RE to use the "Contact Addressee" and "Contact Salutation" if it exists on the file -or to use the Primary Add/Sal (or another format of your choosing) instead. I've never had a problem having just the contact's name (as opposed to Mr. and Mrs. John Smith when you are writing to only John at his place of business.)

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:54

      The contact addressee is completely separate in Mail - when setting up either an addressee or salutation you go to options - you have options for individuals - orgs - and contacts. That is where you would put contact addressee or primary addressee. It is a perfectly acceptable option.

      The only time I have an issue with this is if the person is a contact at two organizations and one is a family foundation which needs the couple salutation and the other is work where she should be addressed as an individual. I kind of see where Nicole is going but so far this impacts one or two of my constituents and not more so I am giving this only one vote.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:54

      And for us there are a lot of family foundation situations. Plus, I often have mixed letters and letter signers in a conditional merge. So using salutations specific to our Executive Director who might be signing a letter and if that isn't present the primary addressee is fine for most places but for us only having two options isn't enough if I have multiple letters or I could say what I'm addressing the person at work as opposed to at home it would simply be a little bit more flavor. And I have situation where I have been sending a letter to someone at work because of the representative for the foundation and sending a letter to him it home because he is also a donor personally.

      And while I use Mail to get my query or mailing list, we usually end up using Export because our director like to look at giving history etc. before we then mail merge or send to a mail house.