Make soft credit to Spouse a Flexible Option

The "soft credit this individual" check box on the spouse relationship tab is hard coded so if you click it for one spouse, it automatically clicks for the other spouse as well. That means any gifts made by either spouse are automatically soft credited to the other spouse. This greatly increases the risk of sending two mailings, and results in gifts being double counted in some reports.  It should be possible to decide if we want to soft credit both ways, or if we only want to soft credit in one direction.

  • Guest
  • Aug 22 2016
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  • Guest commented
    August 24, 2017 04:19

    Additionally, we have made the decision that we don't want to auto soft credit the spouse in either direction. there should be an option in the business rules that allows you to select if you want to auto soft credit to the spouse and or auto soft credit from the spouse.