soft credit a spouse's soft credit gift

It would be *really* great if you could have a spouse's soft credit gift show up in the linked spouse's record to reflect total household giving.

For example. Sally gives via United Way. United Way gets the hard credit. Sally gets the soft credit. Even though Sally and Bob are linked as spouses, and we have clicked to have all spouse gifts credit one another, Sally's soft credit gift does not show on Bob's record. We know the spouse link works because other gifts made by Sally (direct gifts) *are* displaying in Bob's record.

This is fine if the person is a Board member, and you know the spouse's name and you expect a gift to be coming through the spouse's third party (like United Way), however with thousands of gifts a year that wouldn't be the case very often as there would be many spouses where we don't know Bob and Sally personally to catch it.

The result is an inaccurate picture of total giving history which isn't what any development officer wants.

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  • Sep 4 2013
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