Restrict or Warn Gift Entry From Prior Fiscal Year

It would be very helpful if RE would allow a setting to be toggled to prevent a gift from being posted into a previous fiscal year.  I would be fine with a dialogue box that allows you to override the error or even just a warning to let you know that you're posting a gift to a prior fiscal year.  Mistakes happen and it would be nice to catch these on the front end instead of having to correct the error with an adjustment.

  • Brad Talbot
  • Jun 27 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 08, 2016 15:21

    This should be happening for you if you are putting to and from dates on the fund records.

  • Jenn Coutu commented
    June 29, 2016 14:08

    I think this already happens? At least in our database. Once one fiscal year ends, are you making appeals inactive? If so, you should get a pop up that says the gift date is out of appeal range.