Would like to be able to close a month and/or year, without having to have financial edge. We have experienced date discrepancies in previous years and if it is not caught, our years past could be skewed after we have balanced. Would like at the gift entry level, something that will stop a gift date to be posted in a previous month.
In addition, maybe also not allow something to be created too far out. At least 2-3 times I have had gift processors adding late December gifts in early January and accidentally putting in the month of December but the new year - essentially putting a gift into next fiscal year (11 months away).
The ability to close a year or month to prevent posting new pledges or adjustments but still be able to record payments and write-offs to pledges would be highly beneficial. The current system allows pledges and adjustments to be done which affects balancing continually. The process of balancing between RE and FE is constant and extremely time consuming. Would like to see a change in the near future. Thank you.