Spouse as a relationship automatically become individual constituent when marital status changes to divorced

I have a constitutent record and a spouse is listed as a relationship only. When this couple changes marital status the notes, gifts, etc. do not carryover to the spouse record that I now want to have listed as their own constituent record for tax purposes and fundraising leads.
Our workaround is to mark constituent as deceased and then go back and unmark them.

  • Guest
  • Jul 30 2014
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  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:06

    My vote would be for this as an option. I can see some instances where we would like to be constituent, others where spouse has no relationship with us.
    You always have the option from the relationship record to change person to a constituent.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:06

    A few things . . .

    The marital status table is populated by each organization, so I'm not sure you could (or should) rely on Blackbaud to help you update your data in this way. Although I agree that it could be really helpful, it is probably something you need to write into your policies and procedures and just do manually.

    If you are a big fancy shop (though many RE clients are not!) you might be able to write a macro that does this for you.

    Gifts can be easily soft credited to the other spouse. Add the spouse as a constituent, make sure the gifts are soft-credited, and then uncheck the "spouse" checkbox. Also make sure you uncheck the "automatically soft credit this individual for gifts" box on the relationship general 2 tab.

    I am in complete agreement with you that there should be a way to copy or "soft credit / share" actions and notes though. I have thought this for a very long time.