Additional Tabs for Fund Records (Actions, Notes, Media)

I would greatly appreciate increased capabilities on Fund Records as other types of records do.  The ability to add Actions, Notes and Media would be of great help especially in managing stewardship activities and documentation.  At times there are many individuals for whom I need to steward.  Those ind are connected via Relationship tab and I'd prefer not to have unique actions on up to 25 funders or family members for a stewardship action for one Fund.  There are times when information on a Fund wouldn't make sense to add to Individual records.  For example an endowed fund was established in the 1970s and the original donor is deceased.  Information would be best on the Fund record and not one of many many descendants -- or no one at all! Having a Note tab for Fund Records would also be helpful when there are internal discussions regarding a fund. Adding a Note would help track internal activity, consolidate it in an accessible place and keep historical information rather than staff files, memories, etc.

  • Tanya Cole
  • Feb 8 2018
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Stephanie commented
      August 25, 2021 21:05

      I cannot upvote this enough! The current method of accessing funds only through a gift is time consuming and ridiculous for adding media to newly created funds.

    • Tanya Cole commented
      February 27, 2018 22:24

      Hi Anthony,

      Thanks for responding.  I think that I may have posted this in the wrong Blackbaud forum.  I meant for this to be in the Raisers Edge not the Research Point.  I think I was misdirected. Does my submission make more sense now?  How to I move this to the right BB area?

    • Anthony Pisano commented
      February 23, 2018 22:10

      Can you tell me what type of record you use in RP to add Funds? Are the Organization records, Household records, or Group records? Because we have Notes and Attachments on Individual records I'm guessing it's not that type.
