A Note Box on Indiviual Records Bio 1 Tab Similar to Org 1 Tab

The Note box on the Organizational Records on the Org 1 Tab is a nice feature. Why not put this on the Individual Records in Bio 1 right under the Phones/Emails/Links Box?

This would be a nice place to eventually have profile pictures as well. But one thing at a time.

  • Guest
  • Feb 25 2014
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    • Guest commented
      October 28, 2020 20:33

      I would like to have a notes (not matching) section on both the individual and organization Tab 1. The problem with annotations is they if you choose "Display annotation automatically" it pops up for every gift as well.

    • Jason T commented
      March 18, 2016 00:21

      Yes, absolutely! There are often cases where there is some big, salient feature about a constituent (e.g., the proper pronunciation of their name, a detail about their contact preferences) that we would want people to see as soon as they look at the Bio1 tab. We don’t want to bury it in the Notes tab, but at the same time, we don’t want it to pop up every time using the Annotate feature. A short Note Box on the Bio 1 tab would be totally perfect. It’s great to have it for organizations, and it would be great to have it for individuals too!

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:21

      One comment on this. That "Notes" box on Org1 is actually for "Matching Gift Notes" not general Org Constituent Notes. While it's nice to have some general notes visible on the Org1/Bio1 tab, it could also get very messy very quickly. There is already the Annotate option that may work just as well, or possibly better.