
Would like to report on deleted gifts (that create a reversal for Financial Edge). We have to report to accounting/finance when gifts are deleted but there isn't a way in RE. (when deleted to re-enter for correct gift date or gift type)
Currently it is a manual tracking process in Excel.

  • Guest
  • Mar 6 2013
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:29

      Don't delete - adjust to Zero.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:29

      Right now, the only solution to finding a deleted gift is to restore from backup. How can we restore from backup if we have no way to find deleted gifts besides manual reconciliation? RE CRM keeps track of all transactions - why can't RE 7 keep track of important things, especially ones that need to be auditable?

      Question: What happens to deleted gifts?
      (1) If the gift's Post Status is Not Posted:
      The gift is automatically purged from the database.
      The gift is not accessible from the front end or back end of The Raiser's Edge.
      If the gift should not have been deleted, restore from a backup that was created before the gift was deleted.

      (2) If the gift's Post Status is Posted:
      The gift is not accessible in the front end of The Raiser's Edge.
      The gift is accessible in the back end of The Raiser's Edge using the optional module RE: Open. Contact your Account Manager for more information on this and other services offered.
      When posting to General Ledger, the deletion is included in the batch sent to the General Ledger and the gift is purged from the database.
      If the gift should not have been deleted, restore from a backup that was created before the gift was deleted.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:29

      CRM was designed a completely different way - on the infinity platform, which had always promised to track these things. RE8, which was also to be on the infinity platform, was shelved in the fall of 2011 (or at least that is when it was announced). So that is why RE7 does not do this.

      Art-who has gift delete rights? I limit that to only the supervisor login since it is done so infrequently. I do not use the supervisor password as my daily login, so even I have to log out and back in to delete a gift. Not something I would forget.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:29

      Unfortunately, while RE 7 could be used by all types and sizes of organizations, Right now, CRM is not an option for a majority of small and medium size organizations. This is why so many of your customers keep asking for features, such as auditing, that should have been part of RE 7 all along. I agree with limiting delete rights to supervisor accounts. However, all too often RE7's design decisions conflict with our needs, not to mention our wants. All too often, we are prevented from doing our work, rather than enabling us to do our work better.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:29

      Agreed - just wanted to give you some understanding of a) yes BB knows we wanted and b) they tried and did not complete the project (other than incorporating all of the ideas we gave them into CRM). I agree 100% that CRM is not for everyone and it would have been nice if RE7 had been designed that way but, in fact, RE7 is OLDer than dirt. This concept was likely not even around then for software like this. Keep pushing for it, though. I stand with you that this is important!

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:29

      I still go back to my origninal comment on this topic however - to correct a gift date or type - simpy adjust the original gift to Zero - do not delete it. This preserves the paper trail.