Recently our office has been processed large numbers of donations via NetCommunity for a certain appeal. I will be reporting the performance of this appeal and I believe the response time of donation would be a good appeal performance metric.
Current this information can only be manipulated via the exported file from RE Netcommunity. Is there anyway of transferring the NetCommunity Transaction Date via a Gift Batch?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Yes please, this will be very much appreciated.
Any way to expediate the process would be wonderful
I am not sure I fully understand this question. Do you mean the TIME of the transaction or the date? I'm guessing you mean time and are using a BBMS report to get this data because once you transfer the gift into a batch you lose the time stamp.
If that is correct, I think I've also seen another post about this issue.
Oh and if you actually do mean DATE -- then the date should be a column in your batch. However, I would think that you would not want to alter that information as then your analysis would be skewed.