Query/Report on Specific Constituent Record Changes

In another CRM I used, that is much older than RE, we used to be able to tell who made specific changes to a constituent record and when. Some of these changes included deceased date, groups, address changes, contact information, and so on. Currently, we can see who adds a constituent record to RE, when they were added, when the last change was made, and who made this change. It would be super helpful to be able to see who and when someone added or changed specific information on a constituent record, such as deceased date, constituent codes, inactive statues, etc. This helps keep a more accurate track record of data handling.

  • Brandon Nieves
  • Oct 6 2023
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    • Devan Caton commented
      September 05, 2024 13:09

      YES. The fact that RE does not have any kind of audit log feature is mind-blowing and a tragedy. Our auditors regularly ask for that kind of info, and we have to just tell them there's no way to pull that from the system. Never mind the auditors... it would be helpful from a DBA and/or management perspective to be able to identify staff who need additional training, processes that need refinement, etc.