Remove default country for new constituents

When adding a new constituent, the country is pre-filled from the General Settings in the DB. This is a pain, as it requires staff to manually remove this default country when the country isn't actually known (which is much of the time, if all you have is an email address).

  • Guest
  • Sep 4 2012
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:13

      Ulster Wildlife originally wished to be able to blank the Country field on new members. However, now that we are submitting Gift Aid claims via the internet, HMRC require the Country field to be non-blank in the files that we submit. For local political reasons we use Northern Ireland rather than United Kingdom. However, HMRC may change how they do things, so I would still like the option to default to a blank Country field on new entry batches.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:13

      We have lots of Canadian constituents (alumni) and a good handful of constituents from other countries. We need to have the country inserted in letters when required, but having the United States as default means we either have to delete it all the time, or remember to insert the foreign country. Also, when we create a mailing list for a mail house, we have to go in and delete all the USAs and United States entries, so that we can get the foreign addresses sorted together. It's ridiculous to make it a required field for all - surely you should be able to turn it off if desired and use only when needed.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:13

      In the US country is not required/used on mailings. We import hundreds of addresses for students/parents/grandparents and their associated businesses each year with the country defaulting to the United States. The majority of our constituents are located within the US. We must then globally change the country to blank. For individual record maintenance this may seem like a minor nusiance but when importing hundreds, having to then change the country to blank for the majority seems counter productive and an inefficient use of time. The ability to set blank as a default for country makes sense when the majority of constituents home and businesses reside in the US.