We don't use recurring gifts due to the reporting limitations. A pledge of $100 a month shows as $1200 for the year. A recurring gift template of $100 a month shows as $100 on a report.
It would be nice to include recurring gift "projection" as an included gift type in report.
Would only vote for it if it were an "option/checkbox" to include recurring gifts. The money is not guaranteed in any way and I wouldn't want it appearing on all reports. :)
I agree with Joann. It would be useful for projecting value of a monthly giving appeal vs annual gift appeal.
Optional is always the way to go. On the gift type tab of a report parameter, if you select pledges or mg pledges the "show balance" check box becomes enabled.
I think the same could apply if you select recurring gift templates in gift types: a check box for "Calculate recurring gift revenue based on date range, campaign, fund, and appeal" or "Calculate recurring gift revenue for date range <drop down> and <date range from and to fields>"