Add "insert row" command for phone & email grids on Bio 1 tab of Constituent record.

With RE 7.95, "insert row" was removed as an option when working in the phone and email grids on a constituent record (Bio 1 tab).  You can right-click to delete a row but you can no longer right-click to insert.  I would like to have the "insert row" command reinstated.

Here's why: We keep our phones and emails in a specific order so that they are easier to manipulate when exporting to other databases.  (Having order in the front-end data-entry helps eliminate problems down the road.)  Without an "insert row" command, it's not a simple task to insert a new phone at the top of the list, especially for records that have 3 or 4 phones already.  Each phone (and its respective comments) has to be shifted down a row manually.  Incidentally, this also makes the "Date Last Changed" a useless piece of data since it now looks like all the phones were changed even though there was really only one new phone.

Having an "insert row" command would be very helpful.

  • Stefan Syski
  • Jun 14 2018
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    • Guest commented
      May 13, 2019 20:36

      Yes, please. I don't understand why this functionality was removed, especially since you are still able to insert rows in other grids, like Attributes or Constituent Codes.

    • Guest commented
      June 14, 2018 19:33
