Multiple Years Report to Identify Giving History

There is another one out there like this but I see it was from 2013 and nothing has been done with it that I can see because no such report exists, so I am putting another request in with some detail.

Basically I need a report where I can see more than two years of giving for individuals whether they have given or never given at all. Such I ran a comparative report for a current board member query. Well two do not show up because one did not give in those two time frames, he gave in the one before and the other has never given. So now I need to note every time that those two are missing from the report until they give, which defeats the "Exclude zero gift amount" checkbox on the Gifts Type Tab. I also want to see giving over more than two years in a comparative report format, with a summary or detail option.

The constituent giving is too much information with no summary and the pivot report could work but its is too much, I do not want to run three or more queries and manipulate the data in excel. I have tried literally everything and concluded no such report exists yet. This also helps identify LAPSED donors very well and helps to see upgrades and downgrades and pledges for phonathon, etc. It would be a highly used report with multiple functionality.

So really simple, copy the comparative report call it multiple years comparison  report and add more lines to the Include Gifts with these dates; dates to use field. That is all I need! :)

And why is there no category for REPORTS in the :Choose category for this idea" drop down?

Thank you so much for your time!

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  • Apr 5 2017
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