When Exporting a list and using Addressee\Salutation and "From Configuration" beware deceased spouse

If you create an export with a query where both Query and Export has deceased unchecked - be careful if you format the addressee or the salutation.

There is an option to use the fields "from configuration" instead of "from Individual".
We used this because our default Joint Addressee, on the individual record is "Mr Dave Smith and Mrs Tracy Smith" (note full first name) and it is too long occassionally.
So we used the "from configuration" to use title, initial, last name instead.
Those with out a spouse displayed okay, those with a spouse displayed okay EXCEPT it included the spouse name even though deceased!

Those with a deceased spouse should result in the same way as those without a spouse, not hard to program.

Please at least display a warrning that this may result in deceased names being added to the export.

  • Guest
  • Nov 10 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 10, 2016 18:02

    Is your 'spouse' box still checked.  We uncheck this and it changes add/sal to single name.