The ability to UNapply pledge payments when a batch run inadvertently applied them to an open pledge.

Recently a batch run automatically applied gifts to open pledges because the check mark to apply gifts to pledges was checked. The user was asked when entering the pledge payment if they wanted it to apply to a constituent's pledge and selected NO. Unfortunately, the batch design automatically did apply the gifts to open pledges. This required me to go in and delete all those payments and rerun the batch with the check box unchecked for "automatically apply to pledge". It would have been easier to simply unapply in the gift record somewhere.

  • Guest
  • Sep 2 2014
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    • Guest commented
      March 14, 2023 10:23

      Agreed. It seems like an oversight that you can move payments pledge to pledge, but if you do not want the payment to be applied to a pledge, your only option is to delete it and add it again as a new gift.

    • Nicole Adams Blume commented
      July 21, 2021 14:56

      this is such a simple thing, I cannot believe that this software hasn't been fixed to handle it after all of these years as an open idea! This really undermines my faith in blackbaud.

    • Cherie Burkheiser commented
      February 21, 2020 19:56

      see also and

    • Nancy Marshall commented
      November 14, 2016 14:20

      We had this problem over and over until we finally decided that we just won't put cash gifts into RE through batch if the person contributing has a pledge in process. Even when we said "No" to apply the cash gift to the pledge, we would find later that it did it anyway.  We would print the report after the batch was committed and everything would appear to be correct, but later our Finance department would come back and tell us to fix the gift because it was applied to the person's pledge. It occurred so many times that we ended up deleting all of our current pledges which automatically deleted all of the gifts that had been applied to that pledge and then manually entering everything back into each person's gift record to try and straighten out the problem.  Since we have started manually adding cash gifts to the gift record of people with pledges, we haven't had this problem anymore, but that is a hassle (to not be able to do it in batch).  It would REALLY help if there was the ability to UNAPPLY pledge payments and change the gift from "Pay-Cash" to "Cash".

    • Elizabeth Johnson commented
      November 11, 2016 12:54

      Batch or no batch being able to unapply a gift to a pledge would be a huge time saver. Thanks for the suggestion!