Search Non Constituents (realtionships) in the search screen

It would be useful for anyone who needs to locate a record who may not be a constituent but who is an important relationship to a constituent record.

  • Guest
  • Mar 21 2016
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    • Guest commented
      November 09, 2017 17:29

      This would be very helpful since the name is in the database, let us search on it.  Having said that, I understand that the search logic itself when searching for a constituent record is different than when searching for a non-constituent record.  Proposed solution...allow us to toggle between 'Constituent Search' and 'Non-Constituent Search'.  Depending on what we select, it would invoke a different part of the code for searching.  In the end, we ought to be able to search for a name through the native search feature instead of having to create a separate query to accomplish the search.

    • Lisa Harrison-Cain commented
      October 13, 2016 17:02

      This is a point of aggravation for us as well, as we have many non-constituents housed under organizations, but they currently don't have their own record. It would be great if Raiser's Edge was comprehensive enough to search for a name anywhere it exists in the database through the records search function, even though the non-constituent does not currently exist independently of the organization.

    • Nicole Holt commented
      March 22, 2016 18:49

      (also, this has been an ongoing peeve of mine...

    • Nicole Holt commented
      March 22, 2016 18:46

      The function is available for contacts, but not other non-constituent relationships. It would be very helpful if we could search non-constituents in the search screen.

      We have a standard of searching through the relationship tab on a dummy account before adding a constituents so we don't lose that valuable relationship data by creating-in essence-a duplicate. I'd much rather know that there is a non-constituent record that could be promoted than have partial information in our database.


    • Guest commented
      March 21, 2016 22:23

      this function is already available - be sure to check box for 'check contact name' if looking for contact.  I always have the boxes checked.