To be able to rename Batches

Sometimes I want to go back and amend the name of a batch particularly now as we can categorise them but this is not possible. Also sometimes when doing a batch I forget to name them and I can't go back and amend

  • Guest
  • Jul 2 2014
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 01:23

      Do you mean the batch # and/or batch description? Don't see a name field for us. If so, it's a couple of extra steps over right click and editing, but you can change by opeing batch and going to batch set up, click box to mark it as a recurring batch, make any needed changes and then unclick the recurring batch box. Maybe you know this, but in case you didn't.....

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 01:23

      This does already exist as Joann suggested. From within the batch you use the button for batch setup (which has the tools on it like the square (triangle) etc.).