Each gifts should be flagged as it is committed in a batch in case of network/power failure

When committing a large batch of recurring gifts, it is a nightmare to recover following a network failure - there should be a log which can be used to re-start the commit at the point it failed. This is particularly frustrating if gifts are linked to membership transactions.

  • Guest
  • Jun 25 2012
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:14

    I wish this was a priority but I personally do not see it as one. Hopegully you are not having these so frequenly that it is an option and a perfectly acceptable workaround is to query on all gifts with that batch # and delete them and start your committ over.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:14

    But if a large proportion of your memberships have been renewed?

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:14

    Yes! Second network disruption this month half way through committing a batch of 8350 recurring gift payments. Now I need to delete the gifts, roll back the recurring gifts, and recommit the batch. Frustrating when there is nothing wrong with the 4234 gifts committed, and I just want to commit the remaining 4116 gifts. It will take hours to get it all fixed up, valuable time that could be saved if I could pick up the commit where it left off.