Create a way to run a report on exceptions.

I just found out there is no way to look back at past gifts to make sure the gifts in batches were actually committed. Since the learning curve to learn this program is so large, and since it's very easy to forget to check the "validate before committing" button, this would be a great addition. Human error happens, and without a way to see exceptions clearly and quickly, it is very likely that these will be missed and no one would ever know.

  • Guest
  • Jan 5 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 01:35

    Sarah, at the bottom of the batch window there is a check box to "show only batches not committed." May not be the best solution, but it would show those not committed. The validate before committing really doesn't affect the commit process. As part of committing a batch it goes through a validation.