global delete individual relationship additional salutations

Allow global delete of additional salutations on individual relationship records

Currently you can only add or replace additional salutations on an individual relationship record NOT Delete. If you have many obsolete additional salutations that you can't remove from your address/salutation table, even though you have globally deleted from constituent records, it is probably because they exist on Individual Relationship records. To remove you need to create an import file, replace the salutation with ^ in all the data and overwrite - a total pain!

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  • Feb 4 2013
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    • Holly Kirchin commented
      March 18, 2016 00:42

      This would be super helpful for a current addressee clean-up project I am working on. I have been able to delete all the necessary additional addressees from the constituent record, but there there are still 10,000 plus additional addressees on individual relationships that I need to remove.

      Even a plug-in to address this would be helpful.

      It is unfortunate that the individual relationship records are not treated in the same way as constituent records....