Clarify Error Messages

Clarify error messages to empower the user to fix the issue without calling Blackbaud support. For example, if resetting a user password in Citrix and the password doesn't fit crtieria the error message says "Access denied" instead of saying "Password does not fit criteria". If I try to do a mail merge and attempt to overwrite a file that is already open I get the following: "Error generating merged document: EOALPHABETICARABICARABICABJADARABICALPHABAHTTEXTCAPSCARDTEXTCHARFORMATCHI" By working to clarify error messages the user will have a better experience and support will be needed less often.

  • Guest
  • Aug 22 2013
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:29

    I got this error, when importing to the sample database...

    Line 779: General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The maxiumum number of Sample Data constituent records (500) has been exceeded. The new record cannot be created.
    Native error:50000
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.
    Native error:3609
    [Object: 'CRecord', PK: '?', Import ID: '?', Desc: '?'] -->BBREAPI.CRecordClass.Save()-->ImportOM.CImport.#=qCE5pmhEFol_hL1kU1Zo315Qx4xZ7OeVeAnmxXMJxnKs=(String #=qL4r2pn474TqcObiHsDkCZg==, Boolean #=qUkLi1i7$PrZ3YY_glvF7mw==, Int32 #=qrBjHVQeUP4h9IgTtIMPF2g==, String #=qCnyj_aixn6nWUeGiypbGMegYnam29tDOgJT9KhVb$Gk=, ArrayList& #=q$kPvcFfto8NSAb7WAVVZjOEcPQjhvs4ZTO8t9Bzm8Zk=, Boolean #=q6Oyc4hJsuT1qT29bQyvqRA==, Int32 #=qneSV$EmyeZaa23RnzlFe6Q==)-->ImportOM.CImport.Process()

    Obviously, I thought there was a limit of 500 constituent records.
    Unfortunately, I only had 247 constituent records.
    It took a chat with support to realize that it was a maximum of 500 records (actions, constituents, gifts, etc...).