Add password requirements to Citrix log in when users are prompted to reset their password

We have run into an issue when users are prompted to change their hosting (Citrix) password. There are no prompts on what passwords must be and when it doesn't meet the requirements, there is no message. The user thinks their password has been changed, but when they go to log in, they get an invalid credentials errors. Unfortunately, at this point there is no way for the user to fix it and requires the admin to reset their password. We need something to alert users that their password doesn't meet the requirements and a list of requirements would also be nice.

  • Carrie Aranda
  • Jul 20 2020
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    • Guest commented
      November 10, 2020 15:35

      The requirements for an admin to change the password also aren't clear. They don't allow spaces, but it doesn't say that.

      The whole password reset/notification needs to be revamped or we need to be able to use our BBID's. There isn't a reason to have a completely separate password for this system.

    • Guest commented
      August 06, 2020 12:38

      I raised this issue twice months ago - once in a support chat and once in support phone call. If every other site that requires password changes can do this, I don't understand why BB can't.