The gift entry validation report needs the following changes (if not more):
a) add ability to show bio data - often bio changes are made during gift entry - we would want to see the resulting add/sal and address changes on this same report.
b) fix "pledge applied to" info when a donor is paying off schedule or overpaying an installment - currently it shows as multiple lines without explaining it is showing install ment info - both lines have the gift date and not the installment date - amount applied is the amount applied to the installment but the balance is the full balance - be consistent - either just show the full pledge or show the installment info - don't mix them (but always summarize to show the full amount applied and the complete pledge balance).
The gift validation report is long yet somehow still lacking. While it shows every column in the batch, you don't see soft credits, tributes, etc. Basically, info that exists on the toolbar but not in a column.
We have talked about being able to use this so that someone can actually review the gifts in a batch (auditor rules want one person to batch and another person to review), but it's not useful to use without that info.
Also, if you export this to CSV (much like the batch log) the column heading are a total mess.
So, what she said and then some.
Don't know if this should be a separate suggestion or not, but another enhancement I'd like to see if being able to preview the automatically applied pledge payments.
When you validate the batch you're given the option to "Automatically apply gifts to pledges and recurring gifts." But when you preview the Validation report it doesn't show you those automatic applications. If I want to see which pledge a gift will be applied to I have to go through and manually apply all the gifts to the pledges.
It would be nice if that validation process would automatically go through the exact same process as if you had manually applied the gift to the pledge. You could then preview the validation results and make any necessary manual changes. When committing the batch it would then use that combination of automatic/manually adjusted information rather than essentially reprocessing everything again.
I guess what I'm really looking for is for ALL the payment processing that happens during the Commit Completed Batch process to be broken out into a separate process (maybe a 3rd step that happens even before validation) that takes all the payment processing (applying gifts to pledges, creating a gift with a remainder, applying to memberships, recurring gift date updates, etc.) and makes those changes to the batch so you can proof and manually adjust as needed. The commit process would then do nothing but commit the gifts exactly as displayed in the batch.
Yeah, probably need to make this a separate suggestion but had to work through the train of thought.