Multiple Event Registration Form and Payment Form

Alumni Reunion Weekend, Multiple event dates, a day long mass event with multiple activity options, helps us track constituent registration and payments better. Homecoming RSVPs

On the backend, we can set up registration pages for multiple events where registrant can select events they want to attend (system records event registrations, the event fees are added up the total price and takes them to a payment form.

  • Guest
  • Jun 3 2020
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  • Marsha Wynn commented
    September 14, 2022 12:20

    We do the same, however we make Homecoming one event with different registration fees for each event, even if it is free. We can make different form for each reunion year as they may have different events for their class. This works great except for ONE PROBLEM - each event/registration fee requires a first an last name which creates the name of the registrant as a new guest.

    Please CHANGE that and only require a new name if the registrant is inviting a guest.