More options with the "Event Registrations Transactions" Screen in OnEx Events

We will be using OnEx for different events from different departments all of which we'll have to organise through different funds with different staff using it.

It would be really helpful therefore to have a few more options with the "Event Registrations Transactions" Screen when you go to download transaction.

In particular I'm surprised that we can't sort transactions by the columns shown in this screen like you can in the rest of RE. Also it would be really helpful if we could add extra/choose columns here (such as Fund); I can already easily export the fields below to an Excel sheet using the icon at the top, so why not make these available as columns?


Fields available in Excel export
Constituent Biographical Information
Fund Information
Gift Information
Matching Gift Information
Payment Information
Participant Information
OnlineExpress Details
Transaction Guid

  • Guest
  • Jun 15 2016
  • Attach files