When you change the preferred address for a constituent, have the relationship record preferred address also update.

If you change the preferred address on one record, the address listed on the relationship record will not update to the new preferred address.  When the preferred address on the relationship record is not updated every time we change the preferred address for a constituent we have to do a second change of address on the relationship record.  Can we please have a box pop up asking if we want to change the preferred address for the relationship record also?

  • Paula Horne
  • Jul 9 2019
  • Attach files
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    • Rebecca Dujsik commented
      June 08, 2021 17:49

      I second this. The only way I currently have to identify and mail to parents of certain subsections of alumni is by using the address that is on their relationship record and with all the changes and updates that have been made in the short 20 months that I have been at my current position, I don't know how many of those relationship record addresses are also correct. I'm now going to have to double check over 1,000 records. And I'm guessing this is not the only time I'll be doing this in the coming months.