Need option in Connect RE that allows the user to select which records are to be processed.

There are times when I have hundreds of records with changes that need to be processed.  There have been times when  I come across a batch of records that are problematic and need to be fixed in Core.  Without an option to select records, I have to hold all the updates until I can solve the issues in Core.  When I am trying to bring over new constituents so we can proceed with a mailing, waiting can cause delays in our fundraising efforts. 

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  • Oct 26 2018
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    • Cindy McAdam commented
      October 05, 2021 19:37

      Hear! Hear! Well said! I agree whole-heartily with this need to select which records you update. Sometimes, you just want to process, the new records and not the changed ones. Somethims you need to process by constituent type!

    • Cindy McAdam commented
      October 05, 2021 19:36

      Hear! Hear! Well said! I agree whole-heartily with this need to select which records you update. Sometimes, you just want to process, the new records and not the changed ones. Somethims you need to process by constituent type!