Some of our donors are using other platforms that allow them to check a box to pay for processing fees so that we get the entire intended gift. We'd rather they use our website so that their gift is automatically entered into BBMS for us to batch. Not only would we save time and eliminate errors in data entry, donors could opt to pay the fee so we get the entire amount they intended to donate. This option is very common on many other platforms.
This is a major issue for our organization. It is discouraging that a robust system like Blackbaud would not have this capability, nor was this discussed upon purchasing the licensing agreement.
This is one major reason we DO NOT USE BLACKBAUD to process online transactions even though we would prefer to if it had this capability.
This functionality needs to be added to the donation experience ASAP! When we use 3rd party vendors for some campaigns, we see donors paying the credit card fees over 95% of the time!
This functionality needs to be added to the donation experience ASAP! Lots of nonprofits are doing it, giving donors an option to see their investment do more!
My business office recently asked me to look in to this topic. I think more and more non-profits are going to need the assistance.