Proof that appeal on pledge matches corresponding payment

When I reconcile at the end of each month, I find isolated pledges and the corresponding payments where the appeal does not match.  In our annual campaign, this is critical because it causes reporting and rebates to our parishes to be incorrect.  Our campaign has one fund ID with 154 appeals (parishes).  I would like to have a report, rule or process where I can find or control these.  Currently, I can only see a issue might be included in a parish total on some reports.  From there, I go to the detail and need to go donor by donor to find a mismatch.  Some parishes have up to 4000 donors.  I would like to see a rule or message appear when you try to post an appeal in a payment when the matching pledge is a different appeal.  If this is not a possibility, a report or process that could help me find them would be a wonderful addition.

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  • Dec 14 2017
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